Bloomberg Data License Request Builder

Software Support Useful Links Bloomberg Anywhere Customer Service Center Customer support FAQs Data License products Bloomberg Professional Service Bloomberg Professional Service – New Installation/Upgrade (Full Package) (605 MB, Version November-2020) Download the software (full package) needed to install Continue reading →. Bloomberg Data License enables you to meet current challenges and prepares yourself for developments in future with reliable and consistent data which flows seamlessly through your enterprise. Instead of the application or context, worldwide financial firms place their confidence in Bloomberg to meet their most challenging data requirements. A list containing the downloaded data. If you use the default parser, then a dataframe is returned. More precisely, the list contains the following items: connection. The BdlConnection object used to connect ot Bloomberg (R). This contains the credentials necessary. The time at which the request was sent to Bloomberg (R.

  1. Data License Request Builder
  2. Bloomberg Data License Request Builder Page
  3. Bloomberg Request Builder Manual

Retrieve Data Using Bloomberg Data License

This example shows how to retrieve Bloomberg® DataLicense data with a request file using a Bloomberg Data Licenseconnection. To create a successful Bloomberg connection, see Connect to Bloomberg.To access the code for this example, enter edit BloombergDataLicenseWorkflow.m.

Data License Request Builder

Connect to Bloomberg Data License

Create the Bloomberg Data License connection c.This code assumes the following:

  • The Bloomberg Data License SFTP server loginname is 'xxxxx'.

  • The Bloomberg Data License SFTP server passwordis 'xxxxxxxx'.

  • The Bloomberg Data License SFTP server name is ''.

  • The Bloomberg Data License SFTP port number is 30206.

  • The decryption code is 'nAcLeZ'.

bdl connects to Bloomberg Data Licenseat port number 30206 with password authentication.

Request Bloomberg Data File

Bloomberg Data License Request Builder Page

Create a Bloomberg Data License request file getdatarequest.req usingthe Bloomberg Data License Request Builder. Submit the requestfile to Bloomberg Data License using c.

Retrieve the folder listing to see if the output fileexists using c.

The output file getdataoutput.out is available.

Save the output file to the current folder. The firstargument is the name of the generated output file from the Bloomberg DataLicense server. The second argument is the name of the saved fileon the local machine.

Bloomberg Request Builder Manual


The current folder contains the output file getdataoutput.out.

If the file is encrypted, run the Bloomberg DataLicense decryption software. You can download the decryption softwarefrom Bloomberg. For questions, contact Bloomberg.

Import Bloomberg Data into MATLAB


Convert the contents of the output file to a MATLAB® structureusing the sample function bdlloader.

d is a structure with these fields:

  • Output file header information

  • Security identifier

  • Return code

  • Number of fields requested and received

  • Open price

  • Last price

  • High price

  • Low price

  • Date of last close

Bloomberg Data License Request Builder

To access the code for bdlloader, see bdlloader.m.

Display the output file header information.

Close Bloomberg Data License Connection

See Also

bdl | close | dir

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